Monday, September 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Mary!

     We make a big deal out of birthdays around here. Mary's birthday was two weeks ago, and I knew John would want to do something to celebrate it. He's all about cake (that's my boy!), so I knew we would have cake. We were talking about it the night before her birthday and he was sad that we couldn't give her presents. I got an idea and I told him we could buy her a balloon and he could write her a note and we'd let it float up to her in Heaven. He loved the idea and got so excited!

The next day he drew her a picture and signed it. Those are hearts at the bottom.

I tied the note to the balloon string, we sang Happy Birthday to her (while crying, not an easy feat) and sent the balloon straight to Heaven.
Happy Birthday in Heaven, Mary! We love and miss you! XOXO

Friday, September 6, 2013

All decorated for Fall!

     I love Fall! Love it. Maybe because it ushers in the holidays, maybe because the crisp temperatures are a welcome change from the hot summer, maybe because it means cozying up with my family, or maybe just because Fall rocks! I love the colors, the scents, the pumpkin-flavored-everything. Around mid-August I start getting antsy to put out my Fall decorations but I have promised Russ that I will wait until September 1st. This year I waited until September 2nd! Am I a good wife, or what? Tee hee. Without further ado, a sampling of my Fall decorations. Happy Fall Y'All!

I have a white tree in my dining room that I decorate for each holiday or season. I have fall colored lights, leaf garland, the pine cone ornaments from my thrift haul, and brown ornaments that I bought on clearance after Christmas last year on it. After I took this picture I added some Fall ribbon also.

The table is all set and ready! I got the turkey platter on clearance last year for $2!

The top of my cookbook shelf in the dining room.

Kitchen table.

My sofa table. The lamp is from Cracker Barrel and I've had it for a very long time. Love the colors. The standing turkey and the pumpkins are new purchases this year.

I love this pumpkin sign. I bought it this year at The Christmas Tree Shoppe. That store is a dangerous place for me!

I got this pilgrim sign at a flea market where we used to live in Pennsylvania. This is in the hallway outside the downstairs bathroom. The quilt was made by my grandmother.

When my elementary school closed, they sold the furniture and my mother bought this chair. She used it as a step stool while she was painting and was going to throw it away. I rescued it and it now sits on the landing at the bottom of the steps and it gets decorated too.

I love this owl! Owls are so popular lately. My grandmother collected them and they remind me of her. This guy is hanging above my kitchen sink.

I hope you enjoyed seeing "just a few" of my Fall decorations. What is your favorite season?